Maakte Van Gogh zelf een einde aan zijn leven?
Wat zei dr. Gachet?
Dr. Gachet schreef op 27 juli 1890 aan Theo:"Vandaag, zondag, om negen uur 's avonds werd ik ontboden door je broer Vincent, die me onmiddellijk wilde spreken. Ik ging daarheen en trof hem erg ziek aan. Hij heeft zichzelf verwond. . . het is uw plicht om te komen."
Wat zei zijn broer Theo?
Drie dagen later schreef Theo aan zijn vrouw Jo, nadat hij voor zijn dood met Vincent had gesproken:“Een van zijn laatste woorden was: zo wilde ik gaan en het duurde even en toen was het over en vond hij de rust die hij op aarde niet had kunnen vinden.”
Wat zei zijn vriend Emile Bernard?
Emile Bernard woonde de begrafenis van Vincent bij en sprak met Dr. Gachet. Op 31 juli 1890 schreef hij aan Albert Aurier:"Dr. Gachet vertelde hem dat hij nog steeds hoopte zijn leven te redden, hij zei: "Dan moet ik het opnieuw doen."
“Hij heeft zelfmoord gepleegd. Op zondagavond ging hij het platteland rond Auvers in, zette zijn schildersezel tegen een hooiberg en ging achter het kasteel staan en vuurde een revolver op zichzelf af.” Vincent had het “in alle helderheid gedaan”, met een “wens om te sterven”
Heeft Van Gogh zelfmoord gepleegd of was het moord?
Als het moord was in plaats van zelfmoord, waarom zouden Dr. Gachet of Theo hier dan niet over schrijven? Waarom zou Vincent hen niet over zijn moordenaar hebben verteld voordat hij stierf?Of was het toch moord?
In 'Van Gogh: The Life', een boek van 960 pagina's gepubliceerd in 2011, beweren de Pulitzer Prize-winnende auteurs dat Van Gogh was neergeschoten, mogelijk per ongeluk, door een paar jongens en dat de kunstenaar had besloten hen te beschermen door de schuld op zich te nemen.Onze geschilderde reproductie van Korenveld onder onweerswolken, een van Van Goghs laatste schilderijen.
R.I.P. Vincent van Gogh
Vincent schreef Theo twee jaar eerder, in juli 1888, vanuit Arles:"Schilders die dood en begraven zijn, spreken via hun werken tot een volgende generatie of tot meerdere volgende generaties. In het leven van de schilder is de dood misschien niet het moeilijkste."
Je dagelijkse dosis Van Gogh
Wat schreef Van Gogh vandaag?Kom erachter in dit gratis Van Gogh e-book.
Honderden vragen beantwoord door Van Gogh zelf!
Van Gogh Reflections – Wilma Guzman What made Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear? Could it have been voices in his head he didn't want to hear? Or the taunts of the young boys, who accompanied with throwing stones? Or the derisive voices of the villagers who little respected his focus on his artistic talents. Some questions remain? Did he really end his life on his own? When he showed hope in recovery? Still wrote his brother daily, communicating by letters, a steady friendship with postmaster, who instructed his son long after to find his closest relative to deliver his one last letter. An argument with the local bar owner, who commented cruelly, you are a financial burden on your brother, Theo, depriving his family of a more comfortable life, or the recent cold shoulder given by his love interest, could have been the instigation. One Doctor suggested, the angle of the gunshot in the stomach was not self-inflicted, was he protecting a local boy from being tried for the murder? Yet his paintings done stroke by stroke, brought beauty out of everyday life, gave inspirations for some artists to use his methods, many grew to appreciate his views on life to be valued for its originality day by day. ____________________ In examining Vincent's paintings, sketches in all their variety, women were often the subject, never on a pedestal, admired only for their beauty, he displayed their various realities of the roles and tasks they did, showing all they contributed to life in families and communities. They were weavers, reapers of wheat, sewers, cooks, laundry, nursing mothers, others mourning. Others now questioning, was his ear cut off by his own doing? as it was done while in a fight with artist, Paul Gauduin, well-known to have fencing skills. Vincent always self-effacing, not wanting to suffer those who interacted with him, unwilling to be a burden to his brother, his roommate, the teenage boys in town. Could the derision of the townspeople, be related to his Epilepsy? At that time – dealt with suspicion, fear of this unknown behavior that suddenly took him in fits. Questions to ponder, rather than certainties decided on, his story unknown in it's entirety.
It has been obvious perhaps only to myself that Vincent never cut his own ear, but Gauguin in their fight did that. Then of course Vincent would never get his friend in trouble. So here one wonders if in truth it was those boys after all.
people who commit suicide want it be accomplished quickly he knew he was fatally wounded so he gave way to it, having been ousted by the Church He did evangelize on his own. I don't see that he killed himself at all. He may have felt like dying as a way of escape the misunderstandings and ridicule he received, for many that are gifted by God to this Day are misunderstood for their differences!